Danish Utility Regulator's Anthology Project Series on Better Regulation in the Energy Sector

The anthology project is conceived as a series of volumes to be published every two years on one or more relevant themes.

The aim of the publications is to foster inter-disciplinary discussions and encourage reflection on regulatory approaches among practitioners, businesses, academics, government officials and regulators alike. In this way, we hope that the anthology project will contribute to the ongoing development of ideas to further improve the efficiency of the energy sector.


Incentives and digitalization for flexibility in the green transition

The Danish Utility Regulator (DUR) has with this publication launched the second volume in DUR's Anthology Project Series on Better Regulation in the Energy Sector.


Energy Regulation in the Green Transition

The Danish Utility Regulator (DUR) has with this publication launched the first volume in DUR's Anthology Project Series on Better Regulation in the Energy Sector.
