• gasproduktion og –forbrug
• import, eksport og transmission af gas
• gaslagre
• gashandel og prisudvikling
Forsyningstilsynets fokusområder for den fremadrettede markedsovervågning knytter sig i høj grad til nedlukningen af Tyra-platformen i perioden fra september 2019 til juli 2022.
Markedsovervågningen vil følge anvendelsen af de danske gaslagre, da hensigtsmæssig anvendelse er central for forsyningssituationen de kommende tre år. Forsyningstilsynet fører desuden tilsyn med lagerselskabets adgangsvilkår samt forpligtelser i henhold til den europæiske gasforordning.
Markedsovervågningen vil have særligt fokus på Ellund-forbindelsen, og Forsyningstilsynet vil fortsat analysere, om der i større grad eller systematisk transporteres gas imod prissignalerne.
Læs rapporten her
Market Report 2018
The Danish Utility Regulator (DUS) has monitored the Danish wholesale gas market in 2018 and has closely examined:
• Gas production and consumption
• Import, export and transmission of gas
• Gas storage
• Gas trade and price development
The DUR’s market monitoring for 2019 and the coming years will follow the shutdown of the Tyra Platform from September 2019 to July 2022 closely.
The utilisation of the Danish gas storage facilities will be monitored as efficient and appropriate utilisation is central for the supply situation during the next three years. The DUR is responsible for the oversight of the terms and access of the storage company as well as other obligations according to the European gas regulation.
The market monitoring will especially be focused on the Ellund connection between Denmark and Germany. The DUR will continue to analyse whether significant or systematic transport of gas against the price signals is taking place.
Read the report here