Markedsrapport for gas 2020


Danmark har siden 1984 været nettoeksportør af gas, men da Tyra-platformen i Nordsøen blev midlertidigt nedlukket i 2019, gik Danmark fra at være et selvforsynende eksportland til at importere hovedparten af det danske gasforbrug.

Det og meget mere kan man læse om i Forsyningstilsynets årlige overvågningsrapport for engrosmarkedet for gas i 2020, som kan findes her:

Denmark has been a net exporter of natural gas since 1984, but due to the temporary shutdown of the Tyra-platform in 2019, Denmark went from being a self-sufficient export nation to importing the majority of its gas consumption. Read about this and other things in the English summery of the Market report 2020: The Danish Wholesale Gas Market which can be downloaded on the right side of this page.