”Bedre regulering i den grønne omstilling”
Lanceringen sker i samarbejde med Florence School of Regulation (FSR) og Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure (CSEI) på et virtuelt seminar med fri adgang den 25. marts kl. 13-14.30.
Tilmelding finder sted her
Antologien består af bidrag fra førende akademikere med økonomisk, juridisk og teknisk baggrund, hvoraf flere vil tale ved seminaret den 25. marts.
Forsyningstilsynets direktør Carsten Smidt, Klimarådets formand Peter Møllgaard og præsident for den europæiske sammenslutning af energiregulatorer (CEER), Dr Annegret Groebel, vil også komme med indlæg.
”Den grønne omstilling udfordrer eksisterende strukturer i alle sektorer i samfundet, ikke mindst inden for energisektoren. Antologiens artikler udforsker, hvad vi som regulator skal være opmærksom på og mulige regulatoriske svar på de udfordringer, som en ambitiøs grøn omstilling medfører,” siger Forsyningstilsynets direktør, Carsten Smidt i forbindelse med udgivelsen.
Antologiseriens ambition er at fremme tværfaglige diskussioner og nytænkning blandt praktikere, virksomheder, forskere og regulatorer. Første bind i serien er opdelt i følgende tre brede temaer:
- Regulering og tarifdesign diskuterer reulatoriske modeller, ejerskab og forholdet mellem innovation og regulering samt tarifdesign.
- Governance and Legal Aspects undersøger juridiske rammer og deres rolle for den sociale accept af infrastruktur.
- Tredje tema undersøger de Investeringsbeslutningsrammer, som Forsyningsselskaber anvender i den grønne omstilling.
”Det er vigtigt at understrege, at Forsyningstilsynet ikke nødvendigvis deler alle meningerne eller er enige i alle argumenter, der kommer til udtryk i de forskellige bidrag til antologien”, siger Forsyningstilsynets direktør, Carsten Smidt.
Kontakt: Jacob Klok, Kommunikationskonsulent, tlf. 41 71 53 60
In English:
Virtual book launch event: DUR’s Anthology on Energy Regulation in the Green Transition together with FSR and CSEI
The Danish Utility Regulator (DUR) is in collaboration with The Florence School of Regulation (FSR) and Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure (CSEI) hosting a virtual book launch event of DUR’s new anthology:
“Energy Regulation in the Green Transition”. The anthology is a collection of contributions from leading academics with financial, legal and technical backgrounds, which have been collected in collaboration with an editorial team.
At the book launch there will be presentations from several contributors to the anthology such as DUR’s Director-General, Carsten Smidt, and Chairman of The Danish Council on Climate Change, Professor Peter Møllgaard. In addition, the President of The Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER), Dr. Annegret Groebel will speak at the book launch.
“The Green Transition challenges existing structures in all sectors of society, not least within the energy sector. The Anthology seeks to foster inter-disciplinary discussions and encourage the development of new regulatory approaches among practitioners, businesses, academics, government officials and regulators”, says Carsten Smidt, DUR’s General-Director.
The anthology is divided into three broad topics of importance to regulation in the Green Transition. Regulation and Tariff Design discusses ownership, the relationship between innovation and regulation, and tariff design. The second topic, Governance and Legal Aspects, investigates the role existing legal frameworks play in the social acceptance of infrastructure, the revenue-cap regulatory framework and the importance of regulatory experimentation. The third topic addresses questions related to existing Investment Decision Frameworks employed by utilities in the Green Transition.
DUR, FSR and CSEI invite all interested parties to attend the virtual book launch event 25 March at 1-2.30 pm. Registration takes place here
For more information, please contact:
Jacob Klok, Communication Consultant, tel. +45 4171 5360